TradOnline manages your financial and legal translation projects in Spain

TradOnline manages the translation of legal and financial documents in more than sixty languages. The fields of law and finance are very specific, requiring a detailed knowledge of the terminology on both a technical and linguistic level in order to ensure a quality translation. Our legal and financial translators work only on these types of documents. They maintain an up to date and detailed knowledge of the most recent concepts in law and finance. In these fields, fundamental to the translation are the accuracy and precision of the translator, there is no room for error with official documents.


The importance of the translator

Our team of skilled legal and financial translators have:

    • Studied or worked extensively in the field in question
    • Know which resources to use when in doubt
    • Have significant experience in the field of legal and financial translation

From the moment our clients entrust us with a legal or financial project, we work to select the most suitable translator for the job. Our professional translators are involved from the start to ensure that the final product is of optimal quality. Before starting the translation, the translators themselves will verify the nature and technical content of the document. Not only does this ensure a quality translation but also aids in the pricing of the project.

Our tariffs for technical translations are calculated on a case by case basis depending on the complexity and size of the desired text. Remember: with Trad Online there are no last minute surprises. In addition, TradOnline can create a personalised “glossary” of technical or specific terms that gives continuity and consistency from one project to the next for each client.


Other types of specialised technical translations

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